Daily Words of God | “Concerning the Practice of Prayer” | Excerpt 417

How does one enter into true prayer?

Whilst praying, your heart must be at peace before God, and it must be sincere. You are truly communing and praying with God; you must not deceive God using nice-sounding words. Prayer is centered around that which God wishes to complete today. Continue reading “Daily Words of God | “Concerning the Practice of Prayer” | Excerpt 417″

How to Pray So That God Hears Our Prayers

By Kally

Hello, brothers and sisters, have you heard this story? There was a theology student who was able to recite many pleasant-sounding words of prayer. Every day before meals he would come before the Lord and recite some words by heart, because he thought the Lord liked such prayers. And every time he finished praying he would put a walnut into a glass vase as a sign that he was loyal to the Lord. One night, he dreamed the Lord asked him to crack open the walnuts in the vase, and after he did so he found that each of them was empty.

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What Does It Mean to Truly Pray?

By Cindy, United States

All believers in God know that praying is the only way through which our spirits can connect with God’s Spirit, and that we cannot practice our faith without it. However, many of us have no idea what true prayer is though we make prayers every day. Perhaps some people might say, “I pray to God every day. In the morning, I entrust the entire day to God in my prayer and express my wishes to Him, begging Him to lead me throughout the day; in the evening, I pray to God confessing my sins. Is it not truly praying to God?” Some say, “Every day I give thanks before meals and express thanks in everything. Am I not truly praying to God?” Still others may say, “In my prayer, I can recite many passages of the Bible, say many nice words and speak for a long time. Isn’t it a true prayer?” Indeed, there is no denying that all these above are prayers made to God, but are they true prayers?

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